Selling Sickness 2013


Final presentations are now available for download.   Final presentations are organized by day, session, and name.  Missing presentations will be added as soon as we receive them from the speakers.


Opening Keynote:  Sidney M. Wolfe
Roundtable: Whistleblowers and Selling Sickness: Roy Poses, Allen Jones, David Ross, Rosemary Johann-Liang, and Nancy Olivieri, Moderator
Roundtable:Researchers and Scientists:   Marc-Andre Gagnon, Celia Wexler UCS, Patricia McGettigan, and Joel Lexchin
Panel: Controversies:Peter Doshi, Rachel Liebert, Jeffrey Lacasse, and Jeremy Gruber
Panel: Patient Narratives: From Grief to Action: Sara Bostock, Dan Walter, John Fratti, and Helen Haskell
Roundtable: Women’s Health Movement, Harriet Rosenberg, Chair.
Workshop: The Good Press Release Guide:  Margaret McCartney
Panel: The Disease Mongering of Aging:  Dee Mangin, Meika Loe, Bob Rosenblatt, and Johanna Trimble
Workshop: Selling HPV, Promises, Profits, and Problems, Genevieve Rail
Panel: Problems with Routine Screening: Peter Goetzsche, Warren Bell, and Alan Cassels.
Panel: Hijacking “Patient Empowerment”:  Celia Wexler Moderator, John Powers, Rosemary Gibson, and Thea Cacchioni
Panel: Research on Reforming Conflicts of Interest: Rachel Hendrick, Alison Bass, Adrienne Shnier, and Kelly Holloway
Panel: New Directions in Disease Mongering:  Vasily Vlassov, Barbara Martinez, and Rajani Bhatia
Symposium: Medicalization of the Menstrual Cycle:  Margaret Stubbs, Chair.
Evening Program: Selling Sickness Popcorn Showcase

FRIDAY, 2/22

Opening Keynote: Jim Guest
Roundtable: Medical News, Gary Schwitzer, Chair
Roundtable: Legal Issues: Paul Thacker, Chair. Michael Baum, Vera Hassner Sharav, Wells Wilkinson, and Joseph Glenmullen.
Panel: Corruption:  Leemon McHenry, Carol Tavris, Lisa Cosgrove, and Bijan Esfandiari
Panel: Legislative Roles of the States vs. Federal Government:  Bill Vaughan, Sharon Treat, and Jean Rexford.
Panel: Independent Resources for Journalists, Health Professionals and Consumers:  Kim Klausner, David Healy, Marshall Allen and Jorg Schaaber
Workshop: What your Doctors Don’t Know: Why Let Drug Companies Own the Data? John Abramson.
Workshop: Finding Allies. Patty Skolnik and Pat Mastors.
Workshop: Challenging the Obesity Paradigm. Ashley Kasardo and Lydia Stallard.
Panel: Update on Pharma Marketing Strategies:  Barbara Mintzes, Teresa Leonardo Alves, Judy Segal and Kari Tikkinen
Symposium: Fighting Disease Mongering with Evidence to Protect Women’s Health:  National Women’s Health Network-Amy Allina, Kate Ryan
Symposium: Choosing Wisely
Call to Action on Disease Mongering
Panel: New Forms of Risk: Lynda Ross, Jean Daniel Jacob, and Nayantara Sheoran
Panel: Medical Problems vs Cultural Norms: Caren Shapiro, Lindy McDougall and Georganne Chapin.

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